Open Source Helpdesk Installation on Ubuntu – UVdesk

Updated 27 October 2023

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UVdesk is well known SaaS-based helpdesk and now released fully functional Open Source Help Desk with all the standard features.

Check out UVdesk on Symfony Official Website – Symfony

Let’s take a look at a comprehensive guide for the Open Source Helpdesk Installation process on Ubuntu – UVdesk.

Open Source Helpdesk Installation Process on Ubuntu 

Prerequisites to install Open Source Helpdesk on Ubuntu:

Hardware Requirement

  • Processor: 1.60GHz or higher
  • RAM: 3GB or higher

Software Requirement

Video Tutorial

Steps to Install Open Source Helpdesk Ticketing System on Ubuntu:

Step 1 – 

Install the community-skeleton project via composer using the below-structured command:

Clear Cache:

Create Project:


Download ZIP as per your System’s PHP version.

Check Following Cases:

Before setting up your project check below things and make changes accordingly:

Case 1. A web server might don’t have permission to allow overriding of the Apache config on a per-directory basis. In apache2.conf, Allow Override needs to be set to All for the directory block as mention below:

<Directory /home/users/www>
Options Indexes FollowSymLink
AllowOverride All
Require all granted

Note: Need to run below commands for enabling mod rewrite rule:

Then, restart web server:

Case 2. If your database password contains some special character(such as #$%@) then change your password and make it without special character.

Case 3. Allow read-write permission for below file & folder:

For .env file – chmod 775 -R path of .env file of UVdesk project

For var folder -chmod 775 -R path of var folder of UVdesk project

For config folder – chmod 775 -R path of config folder of UVdesk project

Case 4. And also check max execution time if it is 30 sec then increase it. Check here.

Case 5. locate .env file in your project and make sure APP_ENV=dev when you are doing your setup.

After that, restart your server by.

Lastly, clear your project cache by:

php bin/console c:c

Step 2 – 

Browse your installed helpdesk project for example – http://domain/installed_folder/

Step 3 –  Set Up Helpdesk

Now browse: http://domain/installed_folder/public/

Step 4 – Evaluating System Requirement

Note: To enable the IMAP/mail parser you can have a look here: https://webkul.com/blog/how-to-add-an-extension-imap-and-mailparse-on-windows-linux-mac/

Step 5 – Database Configuration

Step 6 –  Create Super Admin Account

Step 7 – Website Configuration

Step 8 –  Install Now

Step 9 –  Database Migration

Step 10 – The Helpdesk Has Been Installed Successfully.

What’s Next? 

Congratulations!! Now you have installed UVdesk open source helpdesk on your Mac server successfully. The next step after installation, set up a mailbox with UVdesk to send & receive emails from UVdesk.

Check out the link below to set up Mailbox-

How to Setup Mailbox: UVdesk Open Source Helpdesk

Complete Installation Doc – UVdesk Open Source

Open Source Helpdesk Installation on CentOS – UVdesk

Open Source Helpdesk Installation on Windows using Xampp – UVdesk

Open Source Helpdesk Installation on WAMP – UVdesk

Open Source Helpdesk Installation on MAMP – UVdesk

Are you in trouble? Let’s connect directly to UVdesk developers –

UVdesk Forum!              Developer Visit!              Contact Us!                     Live Demo

. . .

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  • Dan
    This is a really useful guide, but it needs more detail in step 2. It seems installation takes place by accessing the installation directory – domain.com/home/ubuntu/helpdesk-project/public/index.php but that is not accessible via Apache.

    How exactly do you go about accessing this file via a browser?

    • Vidushi Singh (Moderator)
      Hello Dan,

      Thanks for reaching us and showing your interest in our software.

      This is a really useful guide, but it needs more detail in step 2. It seems installation takes place by accessing the installation directory – domain.com/home/ubuntu/helpdesk-project/public/index.php but that is not accessible via Apache.

      How exactly do you go about accessing this file via a browser?

      Look at the below steps to install the UVdesk software using the Setup Wizard via browser:

      1. Start a web browser.

      2. Hit the following URL in the browser’s address or location bar(which u have configured in your web server)
      –> Domain name or IP/path to Helpdesk/public

      Note: To check the docroot you can create info.php.

      3. On the initial page, click Set Up UVdesk.

      4. Continue with the further steps in the order presented to complete the installation.

      Thanks & Regards

      UVdesk Team

      • adeadwombat
        Sorry for the short note. Things didn’t go as expected from the vid. I did these things on a fresh 18.04 vm before the browser could find the index.php file. Hope this helps. Best Regards.
        $ sudo nano /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf
        $ sudo a2enmod rewrite
        $ sudo systemctl restart apache2
        $ sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf

        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews

        AllowOverride All

        Require all granted

        $ sudo systemctl restart apache2

  • mikaz

    I stock in step 5
    Can you help me to fix this issue?


    • Vidushi Singh (Moderator)
      Hi Mikaz, I would request you do re-install the project and while getting the error please open the dev toolbar then move to network => preview tab to show us the error so that we can find the exact cause behind the same, for any further concern raise a ticket at support@uvdesk.com for the better conversation and instant solution.
  • geetha
    This is really useful i had a successful installation but after shutdown of my pc(ubuntu) i am unable to open it could you plz help me how to do it
    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hello Geetha,
      Thanks for writing to us!!
      Kindly execute the project in your browser:

      Still, you’re facing an issue or have further doubt, email us at support@uvdesk.com
      Kind Respects
      UVdesk Team

  • Simon
    I got this error.

    An exception occurred while executing ‘SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.code AS code_2, t0.description AS description_3 FROM uv_support_role t0 WHERE t0.code = ? LIMIT 1’ with params [“ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN”]:

    SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘support.uv_support_role’ doesn’t exist

    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hello Simon,
      Nice day to you!!
      The exception shows that the created database is not mapped with the project properly. Kindly check max execution time if it is 30 sec then increase it. Check here and try to configure the project again.
      Kind Respects
      UVdesk Team
  • Jean Castro
    Hola, y podemos encontrar una versión en Español – latinoamericano?
  • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
    Hello Jean Castro,
    You can translate the whole panel by following this user guide – https://www.uvdesk.com/en/blog/language-translation-in-uvdesk-open-source-helpdesk/
    Kind Respects
    UVdesk Team