Importance of Task in Helpdesk System

Updated 10 December 2021

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To run any business you have to make sure that your customers are happy with the services offered by you. You can take their feedback time to time to make sure that they are satisfied with your services. Your services should help your customers to achieve their goals and in case they have any doubt about your service, you should have a strong support team to assist your customers.  As we all know, there is innumerable helpdesk software to offer world-class support to your customers and selecting the best help desk software is like an assignment.

You go through all the features of the Helpdesk and then you select the finest one for your customer support. Now, in this article, I will throw some light on one of the crucial features of any help desk system and that is “Task Creation”.  Now, “Task Creation” feature is offered by UVdesk Helpdesk system.

What is Task?

Task” is a great mean to make the overall work quite intuitive for the support staff because there might be a situation where a lot of technicalities are involved in the ticket and a particularly technical section is allotted to a technical expertise/group. In accordance to the threads (thread wise) tasks can be added to the tickets by the agents. Task feature is developed by UVdesk Help desk.

For example, there is a company which has a dedicated Sales and Technical Support team. Now to handle customer’s query, they have a helpdesk system. Now there is a customer’s query which is assigned to the Sales Team. They are handling the client’s query on the same ticket. Now there may be need of the Technical Support Team on the same ticket and the management of Sales & Technical Support team on one particular ticket is quite complex. But, by the advanced feature of “Task“, you can create a task for the technical team and assign them. In this way, both the team can work on the same client’s query.

Let us say if there is a query from the customer end, regarding theme and the agent is handling the query of the customer. Now any custom work comes up like the customer wants to make the site charismatic then the assigned agent can mark a particular thread as a “Task” and then assign it to the technical team so that the custom work can be achieved in a timely manner.  Now, the technical team will only see that particular task and can reply back to that task when work is completed or in the case of any doubt regarding the task. The agent will not assign the ticket to the team but only assign a particular thread to the team in the form of task.

The assigned agent can also revert on the same ticket and clear the doubts of the customers. After the task is created, a notification mail goes to the assigned team so that there are no chances of missing any task and the work can be started on time.  As the deadline ends, there would be a notification on the dashboard of the agent and technical team. By this, the agent can keep a track on the custom work and can take an update from the team about the custom work.

Advantages of Task in your Helpdesk system-

Task Creation feature provides a facility to multiple agents, by which they can work simultaneously on the tickets together which will improve the first response time and ultimately leads to customer happiness. The management of the project would be easy by the “Task Creation” feature. You can assign the work to your support staff just by marking a particular thread. You & your support staff can communicate with the customer on one platform only. Task System reduces the pain of switching various platforms for the same kind of work.

Please feel free to contact us for more details or if you want to ask anything support@uvdesk.com

Tag(s) help desk Task
Category(s) UVdesk
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