How to create Helpdesk Contact Form in Salesforce?

Updated 1 March 2022

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Salesforce is the primary enterprise offering within the Salesforce1 Platform. It provides companies with an interface for case management. And task management, and a system for automatically routing and escalating important events.

The Salesforce customer portal provides customers the ability to track their own cases, includes a social networking plug-in that enables the user to join the conversation about their company on social networking websites.

Provides analytical tools and other services including email alert, Google search, and access to customers’ entitlement and contracts ( Wikipedia )

In this article, I will explain how you can create a custom form on your Salesforce site with the help of the Form Builder App of UVdesk.  First, you have to go to your UVdesk Dashboard and click on Apps > Form Builder.  Enter the Form name, select its fields and then save it. uvdesk

After creating the Custom Form, you can either Preview the form or see its embed codes in JS Version & iframe Version.

Now, login to your Salesforce Account and go to the “Setup” menu. Now, go to the “Setup” menu, then Build > Develop, go to Sites.  Click on the “New” button for adding a new site.

After clicking on the “New” tab, enter Site details and enter what you want to display on the homepage of your site. When the user visits in the “Active Site Home Page” field.

Now, go to the front-end of your created site and on the homepage, you will see the feature which you have entered in the “Active Site Home Page” field.

Now go to the “Visualforce Pages” and then click on the “Edit” link for the function which you want to display on the homepage of your site created with Salesforce.

On the UVdesk,  go to the Form Builder and click on the Customs Form name. After that you will see three buttons – Save, Preview Form & Get Embed Code. Click on the “Get Embed Code” and copy either JS or iframe version code. uvdesk

Now, again go to your Salesforce and paste the iframe version codes on the Visualforce Markup and save that page.

Now, again go to the front-end of the site and then you will see your custom form created by pasting the iframe codes generated by the UVdesk.

The customer can enter their details and query and then click on submit. After clicking the Submit button, the customer can see their Ticket ID and a success message from the UVdesk.

Now, the support agent can check Ticket #15 on the UVdesk with the details and queries filled by the customer. The support agent can revert back to the same query asked by the customer.

The customer can log in into the ticket system from the link sent to their entered mail ID. With a link to reset the password. After the reset of the password.

The customer can check the revert of the support staff of their query by login into the UVdesk Helpdesk. I hope this blog was helpful to you. In case of any doubt, please mail us at support@uvdesk.com

Note- In the Visualforce Markup, when you will paste the iframe version codes, use <apex:page> tag, before and after the code and then save it.

Category(s) UVdesk
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