How Dasnietgek offer superb customer support using UVdesk

Updated 10 January 2022

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Dasnietgek was founded on 2015 with a vision to offer a wide range of products through its eCommerce Store.

You just name it and you will find on Dasnietgek.nl from Gadgets to Clothing, Accessories and much more with a reasonable price.

UVdesk manager Nirupama had a discussion with the C.E.O of Dasnietgek, Mr. Jamos Tan, about the customer support offered to the customers of Dasnietgek and how they manage the customer queries on the daily basis.

UVdesk: What purpose is your business, product, the organization is solving?

Jamos: In the Netherlands, customers find it difficult to buy products from, for example, “AliExpress” because of the fact there is no European payment method possible and as not everyone has a credit card available, we offer to order the products for them as a service and monitor the proper delivery for them.

Dasnietgek constantly monitors the trends on the market for a range of products and offers them on the online platform.

Products of Dasnietgek.nl

Products of Dasnietgek.nl

UVdesk: Who is your role model in your business, product, or organization and how did you get inspired?

Jamos: Our business is still small, but in terms of role models, we find the Dutch companies Bol.com and Coolblue.nl very inspiring.

UVdesk: What were the challenges you faced while setting up your business?

Jamos: We have faced a number of challenges, and if not for Webkul it would have been more difficult to solve them all.

However as Webkul offers so many solutions, we have succeeded in focussing on our core activities while automating the rest.

UVdesk: Any advice to the users who are running a similar business as yours?

Jamos: It is becoming so easy to just open your own web shop, as we just opened up with just the two of us, we had such a busy time running logistics while customers service was

taking its toll into the negative. Spend more time doing better customer service, make CRM and cms and therefore your customer priority one! If you don’t do that, your competitors will.

UVdesk: How did this Business Idea clicked in your mind?

Jamos: Together with a friend of mine, there was Always a good Chemistry, but as we are both technical consultants, we thought to ourselves, it’s now or never!

We just had the luck to connect marketing needs and create the proper technical measures in a digital channel and did that in the proper moment of time.

We saw the need, implemented a web shop, understood the rules of SEO and search machines and made our dreams into a reality.

Mr. Jamos Tan

UVdesk: What do you do for the Business Promotion ( Online and Offline)?

Jamos: As we are quite small, the two of us do everything from logistics to customer service to all technical management.

However, because of Webkul, we managed to automate some processes and making it so much easier for ourselves, and therefore being able to take important steps developing our business.

UVdesk: What are the team size and you manage your team?

Jamos: We are two people, serving hundreds of customers.

UVdesk: How is UVdesk helping you in managing the customer support?

Jamos: It helps us do the most important thing while running your business, customer service.

You must be able to answer your customer’s questions, and what better than to be able to do it within Opencart!

Not so many, if not “none”, offer such a system within the admin environment. Very easy!

UVdesk is happy to help. For more details please click here. You can set personalized demo here.


Category(s) UVdesk
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