Human Resource Help-desk System– The human resource department is the backbone of an organization. The department of an organization deals with hiring administration and training of staff. HR Department plays a number of roles but we are taking one important role that is hiring. The key role of the Human Resource Department is hiring and getting a dedicated needed candidate for the organization. The candidate must be an asset for the organization, not a liability. So for this purpose, there must be a systematic email management system to do the smart follow-up to get the number of candidates and select the best one from them. It’s hard to deal with the number of emails on regular basis. So if the human resource department wants to do it and manage it. The department will be in need to get more staff to deal with it will be too much expensive. If you will not do some others will do and you will get stuck so change with the time get updated with the time do not follow the expensive traditional method be smart. Here I would like to clarify how hard is to manage an organization by the end of the Human Resource Department. For example, you are the Human Resource Manager you got an email from the side of sales department’s manager. He emailed you a CV of a candidate and said to do follow up with him for the hiring that too on a priority basis. HR Manager is busy in responding to other email and hired someone else for that particular post Now what happened you lost a potential candidate and also did not notice the email of the sales manager. Which will be the reason for the conflict and cause of loss. There are a few key points mentioned below which will highlight the challenges of the Human Resource Department- A huge number of emails- Human Resource Department gets the number of emails on regular basis. From the side of applicant, organization, inquiry, and much more. So managing all the emails and replying on time is not possible if the department is doing it manually. Poor tracking– It’s okay to get emails from several places and that too in huge numbers but to track them step by step or in a systematic manner it’s again not possible if the department is doing it manually. Time-consuming– It will be a time-consuming process if the department will do the reply on manual basic it will be too much hard to manage. Download cv every time– Every time dedicated human resource staff has to download the cv. There will not be any quick view or real-time viewer. No quick view for documents – If the Human Resource department is managing it simply as the traditional method then it will be a time-consuming process which may cause a huge loss because there is no quick view of the document. Miss out deserving candidate– the Right person at the right place if there will be a long time gap then might be your Human Resource Department may lose a deserving candidate because of no follow-up or might be on late revert. Poor management– No scientific and systematic manner to manage the emails which are coming to Human Resource Department so it will be poor management. Cloud storage not available– All data will be on your system which will increase your RAM. The system will be slow because there is no cloud storage to keep the record or to store the data. Hiring the right candidate makes or breaks the company– The future of the organization depends on the only candidate who is going to be hired. Which needs quick follow-up and lots of details related to the candidate. Which is possible only when the department is connecting them at the right time otherwise good candidates are required everywhere. The long hiring process, stages managing this with email is quite difficult– Yeah to manage the things on email and track the candidate step by step not possible through traditional mailing system. Acknowledgement to the applicant is not there– If you received any email how that candidate can be sure that their email reached to the dedicated staff for this Human Resource Department have to reply to each and every email which would be a lengthy task. Unable to prioritize email- Which email is important it will be hard to get notify and solve the raised concern because there is no system in traditional emailing to perform the same. Lack of security- For the Human Resource Department data is most important. So there will the issue to lose the data because of no cloud storage available to store the important data. Human Resource Help-desk System Key points for the solutions to deal with the challenges are mentioned below- Ticket assign using automatic workflow– Now with the use of cloud based UVdesk help-desk system every mail will convert into the ticket. The workflow includes three things (1) Event- Here event means what is the subject or you can say triggers. (2) Conditions- Set of rules (3)Action- What would be the action for the particular condition or event. This is a unique and strong feature of UVdesk which will automate your Human Resource System. With the help of workflow, things will be quite easy to operate. The ticket will be auto-assigned to the dedicated staff, Autoreply will go as the acknowledgment, Ticket. differentiation. In human resource, department staff needs to hire different qualifications of the candidate for different purposes. So the workflow is the ultimate for automating the process in a systematic manner. Mailbox– Mailbox is an email forwarder. It converts the email into the ticket in real-time. Every ticket can be viewed at one place that is the ticket list of your UVdesk support panel. Filter View– Once you have created a filtered view then whenever you will be in need to view the ticket of that particular agent by clicking on the name list will sort accordingly. File Viewer- In-build file viewer in UVdesk. So there will be no need to download the CV and other documents. That will save the valuable time of Human Resource Department. Human Resource Help-desk System Cloud-Based Storage– This will be the safe side for the Human Resource Department to protect the valuable and important data and files related to anyone so that your system can work flawlessly and get it quickly when will be in need. Unique Ticket Id- Every concern raised by anyone will convert into the ticket and every ticket will be holding a unique id that will differentiate the ticket and be helpful in managing the ticket. Everything at one place– Everything will collect at one place that is ticket list no need to sign into multiple emails. Easy to do a follow-up in a systematic manner. No email will remain unanswered. For any query and support connect us at [email protected]. Tag(s) automation Cloud based helpdesk Cloud-based Human Resource Help-desk System Ticket workflow Category(s) UVdesk