UVdesk highlights for best customer service

Updated 14 February 2022

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UVdesk, It doesn’t matter which kind of business you are dealing with Good Customer Service is the exclusive key to thriving. Without helpdesk, it wouldn’t be possible to manage customer support in an expert way.

How can you provide reliable customer support using a UVdesk helpdesk for your store or website? You must be aware of the essential features of the helpdesk to connect your website with that.

Drafting out few key features of UVdesk using which you can provide prompt & reliable customer support:

Ticket Formation

All your customer queries coming from different channels will convert into the UVdesk ticket. It ensures that you will never miss out any single queries, There is no need to open multiple channels to look out the customer queries now everything at one place for the better management.

Multi-Channel Support

Now you can hold each inquiry from all the possible channels at one place. Connect the customers through Support email address, Social media channels, E-commerce & marketplaces, Websites & Stores to solve their pain-points.

Quick Support

UVdesk promptly converts the queries into the ticket, which will help you & your support staff to provide instant support to your customers. And immediate assistance will thurst your customers to clear their other difficulties which will help you in establishing a good connection with them.

Mobile Friendly

Mobile friendly helpdesk makes your task much easy to manage your customer’s query in an expert way anytime and everywhere. Now you can access UVdesk on your mobile phone for being more advance and updated.

Live Reporting


As an admin, you can track any information, which improves the overall working quality of your support staff because nothing is hidden from you now.

Infographic reports related to agents, tickets, and customers will give accurate information in a very modest way. Using which you can track live ticket count in each segment, performance of your support agents plus satisfaction rate of your customers.

Real-Time Order Validation

This feature will save the time for you and your staff by fetching order related details from your store using the order id only.

After the integration of your e-commerce or marketplace channel, you would be able to fetch all the order related details on the ticket using order validation system of UVdesk to escape from fraudulent queries.

Automate the operations to save time

Now you don’t need to repeat the same operation manually after a certain period of time. Using UVdesk workflow you can automate the process which will help you in overcoming response time. Immediate response delights the customer and which establishes the trust for your brand.

Solution For Repetitive Query

Being the business owner you must be aware of what could be the possible queries of your customer? Better to take help of Prepared Response and Saved Replies in this case for saving the time of your support staff for another deserving customer.

Quick Information Picker

You can pick the information related to the agent, team, group, source, date, etc with the help of filter view options to get instant details.

File Viewer


It permits to either view the document shared between you and your customer, immediately or to download that anytime. The user can view Office files and Code files in the browser after placing this incredible App.

Create a secure form to use anywhere


Moreover, You can create an extremely secured Form for your online store with the help of UVdesk’s Form Builder App which will allow your customers to ask their inquiry to get the instantaneous response.

Link Your Website With Knowledgebase


Therefore, Give an exact explanation in the form of information guide related to any subject of your business using knowledgebase to resolve the doubts of your customers.

Even you can link your knowledgebase with your website using the Binaka App of UVdesk.

Customize Your Customer Panel

Entirely customize your panel based on your business requirement with the help of UVdesk Branding to make the separate entity of your support panel.

Get 50+ Apps

UVdesk permits third-party integrations as well as integrations for the merchants also. It is extremely customizable and advanced cloud-based helpdesk which could be fit for any kind of e-commerce business.

Utility Apps – Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, DropBox, Customer Previous Ticket Listing, File Viewer, ToDo, Relevant Article, Notes On Customer, etc.

Ticket Management Apps – Saved Filters, Labels, Tags, Ticket ListView Tasks, Files, To-Do, eCommerce apps and Custom Fields and etc.

Translation Apps – Translate Content and Google Translate.

Single Sign-On Apps – Magento 1 Single Sign-On, Magento 2 Single Sign-On, WordPress Single Sign-On, OpenCart Single Sign-On.

Marketplace Apps – Flipkart, Etsy, Mercadolibre, Reverb, Wish, Amazon, eBay etc.

E-commerce Apps – Shopify, Cs-Cart, Magento, PrestaShop addons , WordPress, OpenCart, Joomla, WooCommerce etc.

Seller Central Messaging App – eBay, Mercadolibre Messaging, Amazon Seller Central Messaging etc.

SLA (Service Level Agreement)


Enhance the potency of your support staff for delivering reliable customer support within the defined time duration of SLA.

Now with the help of UVdesk-SLA app set attentiveness of your own customer support staff and automate the update accordingly so that your commitment could take place.Create SLA Rule(s) for your company, defining which Priority Ticket should be resolved in what Time?

Furthermore, the Expected Response Time and Resolution Time will be shown for Each Ticket on Ticket view page (if applicable by conditions). If Ticket is not resolved, replied at the Required time then Mail will be Escalated according to Actions added in SLA Rule(s).

PWA (Progressive Web App)

mobile responsive

Progressive Web App is a web application which applies enhanced and modern web abilities to provide app-like action to the user.

Instant Loading

Moreover, It works faster in comparison to the website, instant loading of the page, no matter in which kind of network zone you are. Works without internet furthermore in poor-internet-connection also.

Work Offline

Works without internet furthermore in poor-internet-connection also. Reply to the ticket, create the ticket also view all the ticket related details in bad networking zone.

Push Notification

You will get the notification from UVdesk at every event occurred on the ticket. No chance to miss out any single query, it increases client communication competence.

Use As An App

Moreover, To improve the interaction with the customer or support you can use UVdesk seamlessly on your smartphone alike a native Mobile App by adding UVdesk to your Home-Screen.

General questions related to the UVdesk

Can I add multiple e-commerce or marketplace store?

Yes, you can add your multiple e-commerce or marketplace stores with the UVdesk Helpdesk.

Can I use UVdesk for multiple websites?

Yes, you can connect your multiple websites, the all you need to do is create Form or using Binaka to link your all websites with the UVdesk.

Can I add multiple mailboxes with UVdesk?

Yes, you can add your multiple support email addresses with the UVdesk to convert the queries or inquiries into the ticket.

Is it mobile responsive?

Yes, it is mobile responsive.

Is it multilingual?

UVdesk is currently available in English, French, Italian, Arabic, German, Spanish, Turkish, Danish and if you require any other language do let us know.

How can I hide helpdesk from our user?

UVdesk is highly customizable and you can hide it from your customer please refer the blog.

In the case of any doubt, please email us at support@uvdesk.com and we will surely come up with the best solution possible.

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