Transforming Education Support: MUBS Enhances Empowerment with UVdesk Helpdesk






Transforming Education Support: MUBS Enhances Empowerment with UVdesk Helpdesk

MUBS stands for Makerere University Business School. It is the School of Business of Makerere University, Uganda’s oldest and most prestigious university. MUBS was founded in 1997 through the merger of the Faculty of Commerce and the National College of Business Studies.

MUBS offers a wide range of business and management programs at the certificate, diploma, undergraduate, and postgraduate levels.

It is a leading provider of business and management education in Uganda, providing students with a quality education that combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills. With its focus on business and science, commitment to academic excellence, and dedication to student development.

In addition to its academic programs, MUBS places a strong emphasis on student development and extracurricular activities.

The university offers a range of student clubs, organizations, and sports teams, allowing students to pursue their interests outside the classroom and develop leadership skills.

In order to provide excellent customer service to its students, MUBS implemented UVdesk helpdesk software.

MUBS is a prominent university in Lebanon, offering a wide range of business and science programs. As the institution grew, it faced challenges in managing student inquiries, and support tickets and maintaining efficient communication channels.

MUBS sought a solution that could centralize support operations, improve response times, and enhance overall student satisfaction.

UVdesk Solution Implementation

UVdesk Helpdesk, a comprehensive ticketing and customer support platform, was chosen by MUBS to enhance student support services, improve operational efficiency, and streamline communication processes.

They encountered difficulties in tracking and prioritizing student inquiries, lacked a centralized system for effective ticket management, and struggled to provide timely and accurate responses.

To address this, they implemented UVdesk, a comprehensive helpdesk solution tailored to their educational support needs.

By customizing and configuring UVdesk to align with their specific needs, MUBS significantly enhanced support efficiency, and improved student satisfaction.

MUBS Helpdesk

UVdesk Helpdesk allowed MUBS to efficiently manage and prioritize student tickets, ensuring a prompt and organized response. The students can visit the helpdesk portal of MUBS and can raise a ticket about their issues and queries.

Ticket Creation 

MUBS utilized UVdesk Helpdesk to facilitate ticket creation from their customers.

When a customer initiated contact, UVdesk captured the information and created a new ticket.

Agents could categorize tickets based on the nature of the concern such as admissions, MUBSEPS, and students portal for better organization and prioritization.

The customer will get an email after the successful submission of the ticket so that they can able to track the progress of generated tickets.

Mubs Knowledgebase

The MUBS Helpdesk Knowledgebase is a comprehensive repository of information and self-help resources designed to empower users with the knowledge they need to address common inquiries and resolve issues independently.

The Knowledge Base covers a diverse range of topics relevant to the MUBS community such as:

  • How to access the MUBS system
  • How to attempt online exams
  •  How to access online classes

Support Staff Login

The support agents navigate to the MUBS Helpdesk platform to access their helpdesk account, the agents can directly access their portal by simply clicking on the Sign in, this way the agent can access their helpdesk portal and manage the tickets accordingly.

Customizable Helpdesk

UVdesk Helpdesk offers a user-friendly interface that can be customized to align with the organization’s branding and visual identity.

This customization helps reinforce the MUBS brand image and provides a seamless transition for users interacting with the helpdesk.

Automated actions can be set up to trigger based on certain conditions, reducing manual effort and enhancing efficiency. For example, MUBS can automate ticket assignment, priority setting, or routing based on predefined rules, optimizing their support operations.

By tracking and analyzing data such as ticket volume, response times, resolution rates, and customer satisfaction, MUBS gains valuable insights into its support operations. These insights drive informed decision-making, helping them optimize their support strategies and identify areas for improvement.


The integration of the MUBS Helpdesk with the UVdesk proved to be a successful solution for MUBS. By leveraging the features of UVdesk alongside its existing helpdesk system, MUBS was able to streamline its support operations, improve ticket management, enhance collaboration among support agents, and provide a better customer experience.

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