Outlook Configuration in UVdesk Open Source Helpdesk

Updated 10 July 2023

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Office 365 Outlook Mailbox Configuration in UVdesk Open Source Helpdesk

In the blog, we will explain how you can configure UVdesk open source helpdesk with your Outlook Account and transform tickets on the UVdesk when any user sends emails at your Outlook email Id.

Create a New App Password

UVdesk doesn’t support security codes for two-step verification. In these cases, you need to create an app password to sign in. Let’s follow the below step to create a new app password:

Step 1: Log in with an Outlook account.

Step 2: Go to My account

Step 3: After that, click on the Security tab from the top as shown below:

Step 4: Here, you have to turn on the Two-step verification option.

Now set up two-step verification as shown below :

Now set up the Microsoft Authenticator app as shown in the given snapshot.

Now sign in to your account.

Use this password in SMTP/IMAP configuration for Outlook instead of your main account password by referring to the below steps.

Step 5: Go to security -> advance option as shown in given below image :

Step 6:  Now u will see ur 2 step verification is on and here create an app pass click on it.

Step 7: Now this is your app password you can use the same in the mailbox.

Steps to configure Outlook account with UVdesk Open Source Helpdesk:

Step 1 : Swift Mailer Configuration

  1. Login into your UVdesk account.
  2. Navigate through Dashboard –> Settings –> Swift Mailer
  3. Click on create configuration button from the top right corner.
  4. Now fill the below-required details and proceed with by clicking “Save Changes” button.

Swift mailer configuration

  • Swift mailer id – Write any random name of mailer id for further reference or leave it blank for creating automatically
  • Transport Type: Select SMTP.
  • Enable Delivery: Enable delivery status active by clicking on the check box.
  • Server: Write “smtp.office365.com”
  • Email: Mention valid email id of Outlook
  • Password: Enter the created new app password.
  • Port: Enter port number “587
  • Encryption Mode: Select encryption mode as “TLS” for Outlook from the dropdown.
  • Authentication Mode: Select authentication mode as “Login” for Outlook from the dropdown.
  • Sender Address: Enter Sender email address.
  • Delivery Address: Enter the delivery email address.

Step 2 : Mailbox Configuration

  1. After Swift Mailer Configuration, move to mailbox configuration settings by navigating through Dashboard –> Settings –> Mailbox.
  2. Click on the New-Mailbox button from the top right corner.
  3. Tapping on the mailbox button brings up to the Mailbox Configuration setting page, Here admin needs to fill out the below required SMTP/IMAP details.

Mailbox Settings

  • Mailbox Id: Enter Mailbox Id else leave it blank to automatically create Id.
  • Mailbox Name: Enter the Mailbox name for identification.
  • Enable Mailbox: Click on the checkbox to enable Mailbox.

Incoming Mail (IMAP) Server

  • Transport: Select IMAP from the dropdown.
  • Host: Host name should be “{outlook.office365.com:993/imap/ssl}INBOX” for Outlook.
  • Email: Put the email address of IMAP(incoming mail server)
  • Password: Enter the created new app password of Outlook.

Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server

  • Swift Mailer ID: Select swift mailer id which you have created in Step 1.

Step 3 : Email Settings

Email settings is used to send the reply from the ticket panel to the customer email id hence this setting is mandatory. To do this, directly go to email settings by navigating through  Dashboard –> Settings –> Email Settings. 

Now fill the required details Email Id, Name, Swiftmailer id and Proceed.

Email Settings

  • Email Id: This email address sends a ticket reply to your customer email. Mention the same Email id which you’ve used in Swiftmailer configuration.
  • Name: Enter any name for identification.
  • Swiftmailer id (Select from drop down): Choose Switfmailer id which you’ve created.

Step 4 : Setup Site_Url

Now, need to edit few changes in code, navigate through config->packages->uvdesk.yaml  and find site_url, enter the localhost or domain path till public, make sure you have removed http://

For examplelocalhost/folder_name/public

Site URL outlook configuration

Step 5 : Run Cron Job

Run below refresh command through terminal into project root directory to fetch emails as a tickets.

Run Cron Job

Schedule a cron Job that needs to be executed repeatedly (e.g., hourly, daily, or weekly), you can use the crontabcommand. for more details refer to this guide.

Not using Outlook? would like to know the process of mailbox configuration with Gmail, refer to this comprehensive user guide – 

Gmail, YahooSMTP/IMAP.


That’s all for Mailbox Configuration with Outlook in UVdesk Open Source Helpdesk. For any doubts or suggestions regarding the extension get back to us at support@uvdesk.com or raise a ticket at our Helpdesk system.

Category(s) UVdesk
. . .

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  • Gerhard
    I have done all steps as per this guide and get the following error:

    Warning: imap_open(): Couldn’t open stream {outlook.office365.com:993/imap/ssl}INBOX

    0: LOGIN failed.
    1: LOGIN failed.
    2: LOGIN failed.
    3: Too many login failures

  • Nikolai
    Unfortunately it does not work for me, it always comes the message that the IMAP password does not work. However, I have enabled IMAP in the settings and also that app password is set.
    • Komal Sharma (Moderator)
      Hello Nikolai,

      Can you please share a screenshots of the error and also share a configuration settings of the swiftmailer, mailbox, and email settings on our support panel.

      You can create a ticket from here:

      Thanks and Regards,
      Uvdesk Team

  • Andreas

    On October 1, 2022, Microsoft started deactivating basic authentication for all tenants (see also here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online /deprecation-of-basic-authentication-exchange-online). After the changeover, only OAuth authentications are possible.

    To what extent is a correspondingly simple integration into UVdesk intended here?

    Best regards


    • Komal Sharma (Moderator)
      Hello Andreas,

      We have already noticed this microsoft modern auth update.

      You should be able to integrate with your Outlook modern auth option and also mailboxes using the new Microsoft Apps section available on the dashboard which will walk you through the steps to integrate with Microsoft platforms.

      This feature will be added with our next release – V1.2.0

      Thank you for your time and patience!!!

  • Makss
    Hello !
    i’m trying to make it works with an internal Exchange 2k19 server, unfortunatly, it does not… 🙁
    I’m getting the following error :

    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ErrorException: Notice: Unknown: Kerberos error: No Kerberos credentials available (default cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0) (try running kinit) for my.email.server.local (errflg=1) in Unknown:0

    I Saw the post about configuring an App Password in O365, but it’s not possible on Exchange on permise. Help will be really appreciated !

    Many thanks,

    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hello Makss,
      Will you please follow this Forum link – https://forums.uvdesk.com/topic/1905/exchange-server-php-fatal-error-uncaught-errorexception-notice-unknown-kerberos-error-no-kerberos-credentials-available/2 to resolve your issue.
      I hope it will help you.
      Kind Respects
      UVdesk Team
      • Makss
        Hello Himani !
        I’ll try that. As a workaroud I just asked manually for a kerberos ticked to continue testing.
        But now i’m facing a new issue, emails are detected in the mailbox, no error when trying to convert into ticket, but no ticket created… I opened a support ticket #24855 with more informations.
        I’ll keep you posted if the provided link is working for me !


      • Hassan Raza
        I have configured uvdesk shared email using gmail account. It is creating ticket without issue. Unable to receive email from uvdesk. Any guide?
  • Michelle Dabney
    When running /var/www/uvdesk/helpdesk-project# php bin/console uvdesk:refresh-mailbox (my email address). I get the error below which is similar to another in this thread. “PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\UndefinedFunctionException: Attempted to call function “imap_open” from namespace “Webkul\UVDesk\MailboxBundle\Console”. in /var/www/uvdesk/helpdesk-project/vendor/uvdesk/mailbox-component/Console/RefreshMailboxCommand.php:88″ I researched a default copy of that php and line 88 is the same.
    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hello Michelle Dabney,
      Nice day to you !!
      It looks like your PHP extension IMAP is not enabled.
      Please enable it first from your php.ini file and make a try again after restarting the apache server.
      For more details, refer to this – https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9654453/fatal-error-call-to-undefined-function-imap-open-in-php

      Team Uvdesk

  • Wilmer
    Hello friends, a pleasure to greet you, I am making the email configuration connecting it to the 365 office to send emails and create tickets automatically and when I go to update the email in the console I get this error

    Warning: imap_open (): Couldn’t open stream outlook.office365.com

    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ErrorException: Notice: Unknown: Can’t open mailbox outlook.office365.com: no such mailbox (errflg = 2) in Unknown: 0
    Stack trace:
    # 0 [internal function]: Symfony \ Component \ Debug \ ErrorHandler-> handleError (8, ‘Unknown: Can’t …’, ‘Unknown’, 0, NULL)
    # 1 {main}
    thrown in Unknown on line 0
    root @ uvdesk01: / var / www / html / helpdesk-project # PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ErrorException: Notice: Unknown: Can’t open mailbox outlook.office365.com: no such mailbox (errflg = 2) in Unknown: 0

    I would appreciate if you could help me please, thanks Friends

    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hello Wilmer,
      Greetings for the day!!
      Did you set up a mailbox completely by following this user guide? and are you refreshing the same email id which has configured in Mailbox?
      Please cross-check once, else debug the same by the following step:
      Open your project directory and locate path.
      OpenRefreshMailboxCommand.php and reach to the  pushMessage() function.
      Now check step by step by dumping each step while running the refresh mailbox command.
      Here you can check  $requestUrl  if it is correct or not,  and other parameter like  $curlResponse.
      If still unable to check the issue, kindly raise a ticket by email at support@uvdesk.com
      Kind Respects
      UVdesk Team
  • Satrio Smith
    Thank you for the explanation. But I had a problem that I am unable to integrate my locally hosted account powered by Zimbra Mail Server. Below is the error I am getting during uvdesk:refresh-mailbox

    C:\Bitnami\wampstack-7.2.31-0\apache2\htdocs\uvdesk>php bin/console uvdesk:refresh-mailbox kinerja@pelindo1.co.id

    1. Processing uvdesk mailbox configuration.

    2. Opening imap stream…

    In RefreshMailboxCommand.php line 88:

    Warning: imap_open(): Couldn’t open stream mail.pelindo1.co.id

    uvdesk:refresh-mailbox [-t|–timestamp TIMESTAMP] [-h|–help] [-q|–quiet] [-v|vv|vvv|–verbose] [-V|–version] [–ansi] [–no-ansi] [-n|–no-interaction] [-e|–env ENV] [–no-debug] [–] […]

    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ErrorException: Notice: Unknown: Can’t open mailbox mail.pelindo1.co.id: no such mailbox (errflg=2) in Unknown:0
    Stack trace:
    #0 [internal function]: Symfony\Component\Debug\ErrorHandler->handleError(8, ‘Unknown: Can’t …’, ‘Unknown’, 0, NULL)
    #1 {main}
    thrown in Unknown on line 0

    Please help me!

    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hello Satrio Smith,
      Nice day to you!!
      The error shows that this email mail.pelindo1.co.id is not configured properly with mailbox. Kindly do the mailbox configuration again by following all steps mention in this blog.
      If still you will get any difficulty then reach out to us at support@uvdesk.com
      Kind Respects
      UVdesk Team
  • satish
    how to run this CRON Job in windows machine, i am using wamp server
    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hello Satish,
      Greetings for the day!!
      how to run this CRON Job in windows machine, I am using wamp server
      >> Refer this guide to run the Cron job in windows machine – https://www.uvdesk.com/en/blog/how-to-refresh-mailbox-using-cron-job-in-uvdesk-opensource/
      Still, you have a further issue or any kind of doubt. Feel free to ask, we’re here to help you.
      Kind Respects
      UVdesk Team
  • Zaheer Abbas
    Thank you for the detailed explaination. I am successfuly able to integrate my hotmail, yahoo and gmail accounts in it. But the problem is somehow I am unable to integrate my locally hosted exchange account. Below is the error I am getting during uvdesk:refresh

    php /var/www/html/uvdesk/bin/console uvdesk:refresh-mailbox zaheer.xxx@exchange.local.net

    1. Processing uvdesk mailbox configuration.

    2. Opening imap stream…

    In RefreshMailboxCommand.php line 88:

    Warning: imap_open(): Couldn’t open stream {mail.exchange.local.net:143/imap/tls}INBOX

    uvdesk:refresh-mailbox [-t|–timestamp TIMESTAMP] [-h|–help] [-q|–quiet] [-v|vv|vvv|–verbose] [-V|–version] [–ansi] [–no-ansi] [-n|–no-interaction] [-e|–env ENV] [–no-debug] [–] […]

    Fatal error: Uncaught ErrorException: Notice: Unknown: Kerberos error: No Kerberos credentials available (default cache: KEYRING:persistent:0) (try running kinit) for mail01.exchange.local.net (errflg=1) in Unknown:0
    Stack trace:
    #0 [internal function]: Symfony\Component\Debug\ErrorHandler->handleError()
    #1 {main}
    thrown in Unknown on line 0

    Please help!

    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hello Zaheer Abbas,
      Thanks for notifying this issue to us.
      This is when you’ve not used New App Office 365 Password while mailbox configuration.
      We’ve updated this guide as per the current issue with resolution, would like to request you to follow the step once again and update us if still in the case.
      Thanks for using UVdesk Open Source Helpdesk.
      Keep delivering the best customer support 🙂
      UVdesk Team
  • Rob Pearce
    Hi thanks very much for this . It still doesnt work for me but im closer now…
    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hello Rob Pearce,
      Thank you so much for your appreciation!! You may also get the support if you’re getting any issue while set up at support@uvdesk.com
      We’re here to guide you in each step.
      Thanks & Regards
      UVdesk Team