How to Refresh Mailbox Using Cron Job in UVdesk OpenSource

Updated 31 May 2023

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In this blog we will discuss how you can automate the periodic execution of UVDesk Mailbox refresh commands. To implement this, we will utilise cron job scheduling.

Run Cron Job

To Run cron job in uvdesk opensource you just need to run the below command:

Add the following cron expression to the crontab for automatic Mailbox Refreshing, (in the command below, the command will execute every 30 minute):

How to run Multiple Mailbox together?

Need to place  &&  between two refresh commands and you will be ready to run multiple mailboxes.

For Example:

That’s all about to Run Cron job in uvdesk opensource. I have explored this while contributing to the open-source Symfony based project UVDesk,


There are a lot more things to learn and develop, feel free to contribute to an enterprise-level open-source helpdesk. Further, you can also reach out to us for more queries or any kind of doubt at support@uvdesk.com

Category(s) Symfony UVdesk
. . .

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  • Vitaly
    In my case, I just added ‘php /path_to_project_folder/bin/console uvdesk:refresh-mailbox your_mailbox_id’
    to crontab and everything works fine.
    So what is the purpose of function ‘execute’ overridding and the line ‘php /project_root_forlder_path uvdesk:refresh-mailbox’ in your crontab expression?
    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hello Vitaly,
      Nice day to you!!
      what is the purpose of function ‘execute’ overridding and the line ‘php /project_root_folder_path uvdesk:refresh-mailbox’ in your crontab expression?
      >> The execute function associated with the community project script not crontab expression. You can go with the user guide to setup cronjob and start delivering excellent support.
      Still, you have a further issue or any kind of doubt, reach out to us at support@uvdesk.com
      Kind Respects
      UVdesk Team
  • Reza
    and what about wamp server on windows? Please provide a simple and easy package to windows
    • Komal Sharma (Moderator)
      Hello Reza,

      You can refers the below link for the how to add a cronjob on windows:


      Still, you have a further issue or any kind of doubt, reach out to us at support@uvdesk.com

      Kind Respects,
      UVdesk Team

  • Mahfuz
    • Komal Sharma (Moderator)
      Hello Mahfuz,

      You can refers the below link for the how to add a cronjob on windows:


      Still, you have a further issue or any kind of doubt, reach out to us at support@uvdesk.com

      Kind Respects,
      UVdesk Team

  • Luis Felipe

    When I create a ticket and send it by mail, this error appears in the log. Could someone help me?

    HOSTS – – [30/May/2023:15:00:51 +0200] “GET /bundles/uvdeskcoreframework/images/country-flags/es.png HTTP/1.1” 404 131100 “http://–/en/member/ticket/view/2” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36”

    • akshaykrsingh.bd358 (Moderator)
      Hello Luis
      Thank you for connecting with us. We are really sorry that you are facing issue while sending the mail. So regarding the same, I have created a ticket https://webkul.uvdesk.com/en/customer/ticket/view/448131 on your behalf and our team will assist you accordingly.

      Thanks & Regards
      Webkul Team.

  • Gerhard
    These steps are not clear. Even when looking at the responses in some comments directing users here. https://docs.active-directory-wp.com/Usage/How_to_add_a_cron_job_on_Windows/Scheduled_tasks_and_cron_jobs_on_Windows/#using-the-command-line-tool-schtasks-exe

    Can you please indicate where the command must be run in windows? Yes I created a scheduled task, but where do I run the command from? PowerShell? CMD? XAMPP Shell?
