Migrate Helpdesk To UVdesk

How to Migrate your Helpdesk to UVdesk in a Quick and Cost-effective Manner?

Switching to a new helpdesk can help your business revamp the support service and build a better relationship with customers.

However, a new helpdesk will not be a solid base for improvements without historical data. Unless you migrate data on a regular basis, chances are high your company doesn’t have the resources and the knowledge required to seamlessly and quickly transfer the records to UVdesk.


What is Help Desk Migration?

Help Desk Migration is an automated data migration tool which allows transferring your records from the helpdesk you’re currently using or a CSV file to UVdesk.

With the help of this service, you can import the following types of records:

  • Tickets
  • Agents
  • Groups
  • Customers
  • Tags
  • Notes
  • Attachments
  • Custom fields

What you Get if you Choose Help Desk Migration

Quickly migrate to UVdesk

Not only Help Desk Migration works quickly on moving your records to a new home it also saves you lots of time that you would spend searching for adequate specialists to perform the migration, customization, learning the specs of the migration process, etc.

Perform the migration by yourself

The Migration Wizard is easy to use and understand. You don’t need any specialized knowledge to set up the migration, and every step is equipped with instructions in case you feel lost. Besides, the migration takes only five steps.

Enjoy a Free Demo Migration

Migrating all of your data right away might sound stressful. You need a test ride before pulling the trigger. With this service, you can perform a Demo Migration and import a small batch of Tickets with related data for free to check the quality of the migration and change anything if necessary.

Request a custom migration

In case there’s something you want to change, filter, exclude, you can hire the Help Desk Migration team to perform these tasks for you. You can request any kind of customization. For instance, import the records from JSON or dump file, etc.

How to Migrate to UVdesk using Help Desk Migration


Connect to the source platform

First, choose the platform you’re migrating from. For instance, Zendesk. Enter the URL address to your Zendesk account and then sign in to connect it with the service:


Connect to the target platform

Proceed to the next step, and choose UVdesk as your target platform. Enter the required credentials to establish a connection between the service and UVdesk:


Select which records to migrate

Move to the next step and select the records you want to import:


Map ticket field

At this stage, you can also map Ticket fields, including custom ones:


Perform the demo migration

Once you’re done, start the Demo Migration. After the Demo is complete, carefully check the result:


Try a Free Demo Migration now!

See for yourself that migrating your data can be easy.

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