How to uplift Electricals & Components shop online?

Updated 12 August 2021

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Electronic Equipment Shop

The business of electrical equipment and component is different from others, why? Online selling of Electricals & Components, Tools & Hardware, Photography & Optics and many more is quite hard, this kind of product selling needs the strong faith of customers in your product.

The customer always buys such products from trustworthy online shops only, where they could get the options to return, replace and refund with an excellent customer support service.

There is no guarantee that the product which customer is ordering will work perfectly after the delivery, and so electronic goods need extra care and the right way of handling.

customer support

This kind of business gets numerous of inquiries, queries and support requests frequently, as a business owner you have to solve all your customer’s concern rapidly in an expert way so that you can convert that customer into the paid one.

Best customer support is to understand the problem or need of your customer and solve them quickly with a smile, the number of customer’s inquiries is equal to the number of opportunities which you’re getting to hold that client.

As the owner or support staff, initially, you will enjoy and wait for furthermore inquiries of your customers. But soon you’ll realize that there must be some way to respond faster to the queries generated and also to cut down the query count. Because customer don’t want to wait and if you’ll not find the better alternative then you may lose your customer.

Good amount of inquiries means the good opportunity for your business but this is not going to be true all the time if you receive sudden bulk of enquires then it indicates something is going wrong which you need to fix asap.


Here I will introduce UVdesk, which allows their users to manage all their customer’s query coming from different channels in one place to provide reliable customer support in an expert way.

If you have solved the query of your customers then it means helpdesk is beneficial for your business, if you have satisfied your customers then it determines helpdesk is effective to grow your business when you have satisfied your customer and made them happy then helpdesk is an appropriate tool to generate the revenue for your business.

It’s up to you in which way you’re using helpdesk to support your customers.

Let’s go through a case study


Mr. Stephanie from Saint John, Canada, started his online shop of Electricals & Components, Tools & Hardware, Photography & Optics and other related equipment with his two other college friend Mike and Robert on Shopify eCommerce Platform.

In starting they were trying to get traffic to their shop, for that purpose they started taking help of social media channels for the promotion. To get the organic traffic they started putting blogs on multiple platforms.

Within few months they started getting the good amount of traffic and sale to their website because of their product and equipment quality.

Soon they realized that they are not getting the sale as per their product quality and expectation. Then they have come to the solution of making use of helpdesk because they were lacking to build trust in their customers. Why Stephanie and team have started using helpdesk?

Build Trust

For the selling of electronic equipment the key point is trust of your customer. Stephanie and his team began establishing the strong connection to build trust among their customers. They started responding to the queries coming from different channels promptly using UVdesk Helpdesk.

Customer support service matters a lot

Good customer service works as a promotion, your own satisfied customer will play the role of your promoter by recommending your shop to others. With UVdesk Stephanie and his team got numerous ways to make their customer happy with the speedy and efficient services.

Attract new customers

High ratings and positive reviews were enough to attract new customers to Stephanie’s online shop which they have got by providing reliable customer support to their existing customers.

Brand Recognition

Stephanie and his team created a good brand value by giving the suitable customer support and by making the entire process easy and convenient for their customers.

Quick Assistance

All the queries at the one place in the form of the ticket where Stephanie’s support staff got various options to provide quick assistance like Saved Replies, Prepared Response, Related Article, Attachments and many more.

Query Management

The best part of using helpdesk is to convert all the customer inquiries coming from different channels into the UVdesk tickets plus Ticket Priority, Ticket Types, Tags, Labels, Task, Group, Team, Agents and their Privileges, Knowledgebase helped Stephanie and his support staff to manage all the queries in an expert way so that customer don’t need to wait long.

Response Time


Stephanie has created the SLA (Service Level Agreement) where he has set the Max Response time and Max Resolve time for their support staff. SLA helped in cutting down the response time and to enhance the overall performance of support staff because ticket has started coming with the timer.

The efficient way of working

Order Validation System, Secret Note, Customer Previous Ticket View Listing, ToDo App, Note On Customer, categorize the query with the valid name for the better query management like Submit And Open, Submit And Pending, Submit And Answered, Submit And Resolved, Submit And Closed.

UVdesk is the cloud-based helpdesk system and this feature relaxed the Stephanie about the data storage because entire data will systematically get stored in UVdesk, now Stephanie and team need not to manage the record of data for  future purpose

Everything at one place

Live record of support staff, Ticket Count, and Customer Ratings, queries of all the integrated channels, customer related details, files and documents, task-related details into one place. Now Stephanie and his support staff didn’t need to open multichannel and platforms for providing customer support.


With the help of UVdesk Stephanie got numerous ways to convert UVdesk into his own personalized helpdesk by editing /customizing/creating the E-mail Templates, Workflow, Custom Fields, Forms, Binaka, Front Panel, CNAME  as per his business requirement to hide the name of helpdesk from their customers.

Automation through workflow




UVdesk workflow helped Stephanie to automate the process for reducing response time for the customers and saving the valuable time of his support staff team. Quick response satisfied his customers and built trust for his brand.

Better tracking




Infographic records related to agents, tickets, and customers will give accurate information in a very modest way. Using which you can track live ticket count in each segment, doing of your support agents plus happiness rate of your customers.


Knowledgebase View

Stephanie provided an accurate description of all the possible queries of his customers using UVdesk knowledgebase to settle down the doubts of his customers. He reduced customer query count with the help of knowledgebase. And linked his website with the knowledgebase using Binaka. This can be used 24*7.

In the case of any doubt, you can email us at support@uvdesk.com and we will surely come up with a solution.

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  • Aviral Pratap Singh
    The content and information provided is very helpful.