SAAS SEO – Bounce Rate

Updated 22 February 2022

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SAAS SEO – Bounce Rate – As discussed in the previous blog which was a kind of summary. I will try to explain each and every Topic. In today’s Topic which is By far the Most Important and almost every SAAS startups need to follow it.

So let’s start with Bounce rate. What is a “Bounce rate”?

Understanding Bounce Rate in SAAS Business

Although it’s subjective and depends on the nature of your business. In general, your site or App should have lower bounce rate. As per the definition from Wikipedia

“Bounce rate is a measure of the effectiveness of a website in encouraging visitors to continue with their visit. It is expressed as a percentage and represents the proportion of visits that end on the first page of the website that the visitor see”

Well, it’s hard to understand by definition only. SO let’s take a simple example. Suppose You are trying to purchase some items and you don’t know from where you should purchase. Then what are standard steps?

  • Search it on google or any search engine. Let’s say search keyword is “Apple iPhone”.
  • You will see a couple of websites in search result page ( SERP) and you will open every website.
  • Based on specification and pricing customer will purchase the item right?

So where the “bounce rate” comes in?

Yes, I have ignored one step which is after clicking on those links it is possible that some of the pages take longer time. OR they have different pricing OR they have nonrelevant information.

Performance Optimisation – Is highly important. You may check standard tools to check the performance of your app. Also, there are lots of profilers comes in Like xdebug, Blackfire, Newrelic etc.

Also for front-end optimisation, you may check tools like webpagetest

saas seo

They might be a lot of other reasons for the same which we will discuss in detail. But One thing is clear if the desired result is not up to the user’s expectations then he/she will close the window.

“In this way, your website bounce rate will be increased, Which is not good for your business” 

What are the reasons for the bounce rate?

That is a good question. No one wants to have higher bounce rate but still, almost everyone does the same mistakes. Although you may find articles on top of it. But SAAS bounce rate is different from other business. It’s very subjective but still, you can notice them.

  • You should have lighting fast website or App. No one wants to visit a Slow clunky website.
  • Rich Snippets must match with your application or product offerings.
  • Avoid clunky pop-ups or window or subscription alert.
  • Your first scroll area matters a lot try to add meaningful information.
  • Images and Videos can play a major role to reduce bounce rate.Use them properly.
  • Random “Call of action” Button.

As in our case, our call of action on the home page is to display latest features. That’s why we have changed the color to “green” as green have higher CTR rate.

And tons of others. In a nutshell, you really need to be authentic and your application UX must be at the highest level. You can perform some AB testing as well.

I hope Above information helps you to build better SAAS apps. Will cover more SEO topics for SAAS apps. Stay Tune 🙂

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