New Features In PHP 7

Updated 4 March 2022

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The features of PHP7 are fairly enough for advanced web application development and making use of the latest resources to boost your development.

PHP 7 was released in December 2015. The main reason behind the PHP7 is PHP6 has never reached the stable version, So the PHP community has chosen PHP5.6 to directly PHP7.

Necessity To Upgrade:


Group use declaration:

Return type declaration:

Return type declaration specifies the type of value that a function should return.

Scalar type hints:

Type hints have been available in PHP for while now. Unfortunately, they were restricted to classes, arrays, and callables.
As of PHP 7, the scalar types (integers, floating-point numbers, Booleans, and strings) can also be used as type hints.

Level support for dirname() function:

In PHP 4 and higher:
return dirname ( dirname (_file_));

In PHP 7:
return dirname (_file_ , 2);

The null coalesces, operator:

We have used the Ternary operator in PHP 5.

Now, php7 provided a null coalescing operator (??) to accomplish it the easy way.

Coalescing can be chained:

Spaceship operator (<=>)

Spaceship operator returns only -1, 0, or 1 by performed to compare two values.

$a > $b then it will return 1.
$a < $b then it will return -1.
$a = $b then it will return 0.

Generator delegation:

O/P: 1 2 3 4

I’ve explored this while contributing to Symfony-based project UVdesk, there are a lot more things to learn and you could also contribute to an enterprise-level open source helpdesk.

Thanks for reading me. Hope it will help someone to use the new features of PHP7.


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Category(s) PHP7 Symfony UVdesk
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