Introduction The UVdesk Opensource API correlates with the Representational State Transfer category (REST) that allows to performance of several ticket-related operations like fetching all tickets, deleting tickets, creating a new ticket, and loading ticket data. These API’s can be used to perform the ticket-related operations in the Helpdesk system to other third-party applications. This API includes all the information about the tickets such as ticket Id, subject, ticket status, priority, groups, and others. However, to achieve this job you have to integrate an API bundle first with your installed helpdesk project. Video Tutorial How to get API call resource? Follow the below steps to get the integration done: Step 1: Open the root directory in the terminal and run the below command: $ composer require uvdesk/api-bundle 1 $ composer require uvdesk/api-bundle This will create a separate bundle for your helpdesk project. You can achieve this by navigating through Dashboard –> Settings –> API similar to below screenshot: Step 2: After installing the API bundle run the below command: $ php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force 1 $ php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force This command will update the helpdesk database value as well as the doctrine ORM. Note: The above commands should not be used in the production mode. Step 3: API Access Token Once you click on the API button, it will redirect you to the API access token page. Here you can access API credentials. Click on the API credential button from the top right corner as shown below: Once you click on the “Access Credentials” button it will ask you the token name. Give the name and enable credentials then save it. Once you click on the Save credentials button, you’ll get the access token similar to the below screenshot. Here, you can also see the created date for the creation of the API access token. Although, you can also disable or delete API tokens with the help of the respective button. After that, you have to make the following changes in security.yaml file by navigating through config –>> packages –>> security.yaml. Do the simple changes in the position of uvdesk_api, just place it after the back support in firewalls or before the customer function as shown below: Check API Using Postman: Example: Getting all tickets using API UVdesk Forum! Developer Visit! Contact Us! Live Demo! Tag(s) API Resource enterprise helpdesk Tickets API UVdesk Open Source Category(s) API Symfony UVdesk