Language Translation in UVdesk Open Source Helpdesk UVdesk is an open-source ticketing system. It’s mainly designed to help streamline support requests and improve customer service. UVdesk community helpdesk is an effective and intuitive tool for support agents to deliver fast and flawless support. If you are looking for the translation of the helpdesk project into the desired language to make it easily accessible for customers in multiple languages across the globe then implement the below steps included in this comprehensive guide. This will enhance and streamline the customer support experience, as the customer will have access to translate their support page as well as the whole Knowledgebase/FAQ page into the desired language. Steps for Language Translation in UVdesk Open Source Helpdesk: You can easily perform language translate for both the Admin dashboard and for the front-end view. Step 1: Go to the project root directory. By default, we’ve added some set of translation files(for ar, da, de, en, es, fr, it, tr, pl, zh) as shown below. Open the required translation file or create the new one if not exist. Example: For the Arabic language, you can see translation file in the below screenshot. If you want to change the language in the further language then create a new translation file and do translate the entity for your language. Do the changes in right side value only for example ‘Signed in as’=> ‘وقعت في مثل’. You do not need to change variable type words like Your profile, Create ticket, Create agent etc. Step 2: Go to config ==> packages ==>uvdesk.yaml, Now make an entry for your locale in uvdesk.yaml file. Step- 3: To make it work, you need to add to the file also : /vendor/uvdesk/core-framework/Services/UVDeskService.php into a below function : public function getLocalesList() For example ‘ko’ => $translator->trans(“Korean”) Language Translation on Front End To translate the front end panel into the desired language you have to pass the locale into the URL. Example: Let’s assume this is my customer panel helpdesk URL – and I want to change this in Arabic. To do so you have to make this as similar as you can perform this in French with and other languages as well. This will convert all static words into Arabic. For member/support agent in Arabic- How to make it default? If you want to make this translation page as default, you can do the same in UVdesk Open Source Helpdesk. Step 1: First, go to config->packages->translation.yaml and open translation.yaml. After that make changes as given below. framework: default_locale: your_locale(en, ar etc). translator: default_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/translations' fallbacks: - your_locale(en, ar etc) 123456 framework: default_locale: your_locale(en, ar etc). translator: default_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/translations' fallbacks: - your_locale(en, ar etc) Like this: Step 2: Now locate your file services.yaml under config folder of your project and make changes as shown in the below screenshot: Clear Cache After that, Clear your project cache by: php bin/console c:c 1 php bin/console c:c Support By following the above steps, you can easily translate the front-end and back-end of your UVdesk community helpdesk. Hope it will be helpful for you or if you have any issue feel free to raise a ticket from here. Tag(s) Comprehensive user guide Language Translation Translation in UVdesk Open Source Helpdesk UVdesk Open Source Category(s) Symfony UVdesk