Language Translation in UVdesk Open Source Helpdesk

Updated 23 May 2023

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Language Translation in UVdesk Open Source Helpdesk

UVdesk is an open-source ticketing system. It’s mainly designed to help streamline support requests and improve customer service. UVdesk community helpdesk is an effective and intuitive tool for support agents to deliver fast and flawless support.

If you are looking for the translation of the helpdesk project into the desired language to make it easily accessible for customers in multiple languages across the globe then implement the below steps included in this comprehensive guide.

This will enhance and streamline the customer support experience, as the customer will have access to translate their support page as well as the whole Knowledgebase/FAQ page into the desired language.

Steps for Language Translation in UVdesk Open Source Helpdesk:

You can easily perform language translate for both the Admin dashboard and for the front-end view.

Step 1: Go to the project root directory.

By default, we’ve added some set of translation files(for ar, da, de, en, es, fr, it, tr, pl, zh) as shown below. Open the required translation file or create the new one if not exist.


For the Arabic language, you can see messages.ar.yml translation file in the below screenshot. If you want to change the language in the further language then create a new translation file and do translate the entity for your language.


Do the changes in right side value only for example  ‘Signed in as’=> ‘وقعت في مثل’. You do not need to change variable type words like Your profile, Create ticket, Create agent etc.

Step 2: Go to config ==> packages ==>uvdesk.yaml, Now make an entry for your locale in uvdesk.yaml file.

Step- 3: To make it work, you need to add to the file also :


into a below function :

public function getLocalesList()

For example ‘ko’ => $translator->trans(“Korean”)

Language Translation on Front End

To translate the front end panel into the desired language you have to pass the locale into the URL.


Let’s assume this is my customer panel helpdesk URLhttps://example.com/public/en/ and I want to change this in Arabic.

To do so you have to make this https://example.com/public/ar/ as similar as you can perform this in French with https://example.com/public/fr/ and other languages as well.

This will convert all static words into Arabic.

For member/support agent in Arabic- https://example.com/public/ar/member/login

How to make it default?

If you want to make this translation page as default, you can do the same in UVdesk Open Source Helpdesk.

Step 1:

First, go to config->packages->translation.yaml and open translation.yaml. After that make changes as given below.

Like this:


Step 2:

Now locate your file services.yaml under config folder of your project and make changes as shown in the below screenshot:

Clear Cache

After that, Clear your project cache by:


By following the above steps, you can easily translate the front-end and back-end of your UVdesk community helpdesk. Hope it will be helpful for you or if you have any issue feel free to raise a ticket from here.


Category(s) Symfony UVdesk
. . .

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  • Jas Hast
    Doesn’t work. i changed the parameters in translation.yaml and services.yaml but only fallback is set to de now. Default locale is still set to en and de is not working. If I try to open the de site I get an error: No route found for “GET /de/nutzer/dashboard”
    Can anybody help solving this problem?
    Thank you!
    • Komal Sharma (Moderator)
      Hello Jas Hast,

      We have checked but we are not able to reproduce this issue. Can you please share your composer.json and composer.lock file. You can please share on the our official uvdesk forums. Please follow the below link:


      Also, you can create a ticket on our support helpdesk from here:


      Kind Respects
      UVdesk Team

    • Bastian
      Have you managed to get it to work? I am facing the same issue. No route found for de.
      • Sanjeev
        Check and update below file as per your locale.

        path path: config/packages/translation.yaml

        default_locale: de
        default_path: ‘%kernel.project_dir%/translations’
        – de

        File path: config/services.yaml

        locale: ‘de’

        Now finally clear your project cache using below command from root directory of project:

        php bin/console c:c

        Hope it will work for you !!

        Reference video – https://webkul.chatwhizz.com/share/view-recording/663396dd4a84e7385f6358aa

  • Sergii
    If you want to add a new language, then you need it in the file
    If you want to add a new language it will not work
    to make it work, you need to add to the file

    into a function
    public function getLocalesList()
    Your language.
    For example
    ‘ua’ => $translator->trans(“Ukraine”),

    • Komal Sharma (Moderator)
      Hello Sergii,

      Thanks for updated here, we will add this update line in our blog.

      Kind Respects
      UVdesk Team

  • David
    Why not include the language selection in the options?
    Updating the script will overwrite the files …
    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hello David
      Glad to see you here!!
      This is something we need to work on. Currently, you can update the file to get a community helpdesk in the desired language.
      Thanks for your time and writing to us 🙂
      Have a great day ahead.
      Kind Respects
      UVdesk Team
  • Eduardo
    Tengo un problema. El tutorial funciona perfectamente con env=dev, pero al pasar a env=prod solo funciona el idioma ingles. Si intento acceder “http://domain.name/es/” me da un error 404.


    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hello Eduardo,
      Download the community project zip from the website – https://www.uvdesk.com/en/ and try to set it up. Update all translation steps as mentioned in the above user guide and lastly clear the cache.
      Still, you are getting the same issue, feel free to contact us at support@uvdesk.com
      Kind Respects
      UVdesk Team
  • Jussef Martinez
    Como puedo traducir la aplicación en español
    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hola Jussef Martinez,
      ¡¡Buen día para ti!!
      Siga la guía de usuario anterior paso a paso para traducir UVdesk en español. Realice los cambios en el archivo de traducción messages.es.yml y continúe.
      Aún así, tiene más dudas o cualquier tipo de problema, escriba un correo electrónico a support@uvdesk.com
      Amables respetos
      Equipo UVdesk
      • Daniel
        Donde esta ese archivo
        • akshaykrsingh.bd358 (Moderator)
          Hi Daniel
          Thank you for connecting with us. Please let us know your complete query so that we can assist you accordingly. You can also reach us at support@webkul.com and we will assist you.

          Thanks & Regards
          Webkul Team.

    • Aanchal Chaudhary (Moderator)
      Hola Jussef Martinez,
      ¡¡Buen día para ti!!
      Debe agregar un archivo de traducción para su idioma, como messages.es.yml, como instantánea en el manual del usuario, por favor, échele un vistazo y haga lo mismo como se menciona en consecuencia, también puede cambiar la aplicación en español.
      Aún tiene más preguntas o cualquier tipo de problema, escriba un correo electrónico a support@uvdesk.com

      Saludos cordiales,
      Equipo UVdesk !!