How to make the best use of UVdesk-knowledgebase in 2021

Updated 18 February 2022

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A knowledge-baseis an online library of structured or unstructured information that can be related to product, company, service, or on some subject matter using which any individual can serve themselves.

This is the very logical solution for any company, business or retailer to provide a precise user guide for their users and customers. Knowledgebase guides your user to the solution through the documentation stored in it.

Support and help is the word that comes on the lips of every customer at least once in a year where he/she just wants quick and reliable assistance but it doesn’t mean that they need a call, email or text.

Knowledgebase makes sense instead of being in the queue of long waiting for the call or other available options.

Knowledge-base must contain enough information to satisfy the need of the user so that he/she don’t need the help of your support staff. Knowledge-base helps in two different things First it is convenient for your customer and time saver of your support staff.

Every company and customer has their own unique requirement so the knowledge-base must be customizable as per the business need.

We have considered all the points which we have experienced while dealing with multiple b2b and b2c businesses and retails in the past 8-year’s journey in the e-commerce field to build up UVdesk.

In UVdesk you can manage, customize, write Custom CSS and javascript based on your own need to provide efficient knowledge-base to your customers. Even your customer will not be able to know that which helpdesk system you are using to provide them support.

Front endFront endLet me explain the whole process step by step. In the branding page, you will see a total of five tabs namely- General, Knowledgebase, SEO, Links, Advanced & Broadcast Message


You can manage brand color, subdomain, and CNAME which suits your business requirement.


Under the “Knowledgebase” tab, the owner can select and set the color of the below-mentioned option:-

Page Background Color,  Header Background Color,  Banner Background Color,  Page Link Color,  Page Link Hover Color,  Article Text Color, and Tag Line.

In the Layout, the owner can select their preferred layout and in that style folders and articles will be displayed to the customer.

The owner can also select “Ticket Create Option” & “Login Required To Create Tickets”.

By selecting “Ticket Create Option”, the user can see the button of creating a ticket on the front end and by clicking on “Login Required To Create Tickets”, the customers have to sign in before creating any ticket.

The owner can Remove the Customer Login/Sign in Button to Disable Customer Login if required for some time.

The owner can Remove “Powered by UVdesk” from the Website and Email so that things could be set as per the owner’s requirement.

Under the “SEO” section, the owner can also set Meta Description and Meta Keywords.

brandingUnder the “Links” tab, the owner can enter the label and URL of Header Link and Footer Link. The owner can add multiple Header and Footer Links under this tab.


Under the “Advanced” tab, the owner can add Custom CSS & Custom Javascript which will be reflected only on the front end knowledge base.


In “Broadcast Message“, enter your Broadcast Message, select From & To Date and enable Broadcasting Status.


Above all features are enough to make a great knowledgebase without letting your customer know about your support system.

Using knowledgebase, your customer can help themselves and your support staff can stop their repetitive task by creating a useful knowledge base for the users.

For any query and support, kindly email us at support@uvdesk.com.

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