When the support staff has enormous tickets, then the support staff may miss an important point for any ticket which may be needed to resolve the issue or the support staff can also make a list of work that needs to be done on that ticket to fix the issue. Hence, this way no important point will be missed and each and every part will be looked upon and fixed. In UVdesk Helpdesk, there is an app called ToDo App which the support staff or the agents can install and then they can add a list of work/task which needs to be done on any ticket. That list will be only visible to the support staff only. You can edit or delete a particular task whenever you want. Features of ToDo App : Can manage all the previous ticket records in one place. Tackle all the records in a simple and easy way. Easily manage and reduce workload. Installation of ToDo App Step 1: Make a directory with the name uvdesk inside the project’s App folder. Step 2: The customer will get a zip folder after purchasing the extension. Unzip the folder into your project root directory. Step 3: After that, run these commands below to complete the setup in the Project root directory. $ php bin/console uvdesk_extensions:configure-extensions <span id="LC2" class="line" lang="shell"><span class="nv">$ </span>php bin/console assets:install</span> <span id="LC3" class="line" lang="shell"><span class="nv">$ </span>php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff</span> <span id="LC4" class="line" lang="shell"><span class="nv">$ </span>php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate</span> Finally, clear your project cache by <span id="LC1" class="line" lang="shell"><span class="nv">$ </span>php bin/console c:c</span> Once your packages have been configured successfully, they are ready for use. Work Performance: You just need to open your ticketing system, as shown in the given below snapshot, once installed you will find an icon of ToDo App at the top right corner of each ticket view. Just open the ToDo list, and add here your tasks as required : As shown above, here you can add all your working tasks so that they will be managed properly without any failure. You can add multiple tasks over here on each and every ticket wherever required. Hence, this way you can tackle all your work in a sequence way. That’s all for the ToDo App UVdesk Open Source if you still have any issues please write us at [email protected] Tag(s) Cloud based helpdesk Free Open Source Helpdesk Helpdesk System for Startups Installation guide ticket system UVdesk Open Source Helpdesk Category(s) UVdesk