UVdesk Latest Release – v1.1.1

Updated 13 October 2022

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What’s New In UVdesk V1.1.1?

UVdesk is bringing new and updated changes in the latest release v1.1.1. Let’s take a look at how they will become helpful for users and admins.

New Features That Are Inside UVdesk Latest Release V1.1.1:

This new release in UVdesk open-source has managed a few changes on both the admin and user ends. Now it provides the language switcher option in different places, so the admin and customers can use it. These changes allow customers from multiple regions to use the UVdesk panel.

Language Switcher Admin End:

The admin can switch the page language from two buttons on the dashboard panel. Once they choose the language, the page language will change accordingly.


This language feature was introduced in the latest release v1.1.1. The admin can take advantage of the same to provide services in multiple regions.


A similar language option will be available on the customer end as well.

Language Switcher on Branding Page:

The admin can also change the language on the customer end. They need to open the branding option, change the language, and save it.


Once the language is updated, it will display at the customer end so they can quickly work in their native language.

Add a New Date Time Format:

In the latest release, the admin can also select the date and time format for the front end. The latest added date format is Y-m-d Hrs (2022-09-22 4:00:34 pm), so the user can add the dates in this format.


This format will display at the customer end.

Flicker Option:

This newly added feature in v1.1.1 users can flick the side menu bar that shows the pages like home, tickets, reports, apps, and knowledgebase.


These features will provide you with an enhanced experience on UVdesk. It will become an easy task for a user to access the latest options after reading the article. 

Thank you to all UVdesk Community, developers, beginners, and our respective customers for their support and trust in the platform.

You can also check the latest update on GitHub

Hopefully, it will help you to access the UVdesk panel more efficiently. If you have any issues, please raise a ticket through our ticketing system.

Category(s) UVdesk
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