How to Access your Website on localhost using Ngrok

Updated 11 September 2023

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What is Ngrok?

Ngrok is device-based software that makes it clear that you can run a localhost web page on another device to provide a link to anyone to direct to the specific local host hosted on the device.

Working Way of Ngrok…

  • Download Ngrok
  • Connect your service
  • Access anywhere

Follow the steps given below to install Ngrok:

Step 1: First create a free account on Ngrok from here: https://dashboard.ngrok.com/signup  to get an auth token for your account. Without an auth token, you will not be able to start tunnels for the locally hosted applications. Or you can download ngrok from here : https://ngrok.com/download

Step 2: Afterward, download the zip file depending on the OS you are using:

Step 3:  Now extract the zip file under your localhost path :

Step 4: Firstly update the ngrok configuration file with your auth token by running the following command on the terminal/command prompt: Your auth token will be provided from here: ./ngrok authtoken <your_auth_token>

After running this command you will see like this as shown below:

Once the auth token gets updated, you should be able to start the tunnel for your locally hosted applications.

Step 5: Now open the terminal and run this command on the terminal :

./ngrok http 80


To start an HTTP tunnel forwarding to your local port 80

Step 6: After running this command you will see your account is online and as well as also see your forwarding link as in the below snapshot :

Note: If you are close this command prompt so tunnel automatically off should be from another side. Shown like below screenshot:

Change in another language with port:

[/crayon] [/crayon] [/crayon] [/crayon]

Server Locations:-

US (United States) EU (Europe) AP (Asia / Singapore) AU (Australia / Sydney) SA (South America) JP (Japan) IN (India / Mumbai)

For the different regions just write:- ./ngrok http 80 -region in

=> If you will show like this:


Therefore you change your regions now you will see India as in given below snapshot:

Now, this is all about how to access the website by using Ngrok.

If still have any kind of concern or query then do email us at [email protected] accordingly will assist you in a better way.

Category(s) UVdesk
. . .

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