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Catalyst App For Your Support System

Customer Previous Ticket Listing App

Open Source


The customer previous ticket app allows the user (agents) to view all the previous tickets created by the same customer by clicking on the Customer Previous Tickets icon. The agents can also select the Assets Visibility for the previous customer tickets.

The agents can click on any of the previous tickets to view their details and to communicate with the customer regarding that ticket query. Customer Previous Tickets icon also allows the agents to view the assigned team, agent, and group for the previous tickets.

Key Features

No More Leaving Current Ticket View

In order to check the previous customer ticket, the agent doesn’t need to leave the current ticket view page.

Open Ticket In New Browser Tab

The support agent can open the previous ticket in any new browser tab.

List Of Previous Ticket At One Place

The ticket handler can view all requester previous tickets at any of the same requester’s tickets.

Setup Asset Visibility For the Previous Ticket

The support agent/admin can set the asset visibility which they want to see for the previous ticket.

Why use this module?

It’s difficult to find if the current customer has previous tickets on the ticketing portal. To find the respective customer past ticket you have to leave the current ticket page and check from the ticket list. To do so you will spend much valuable time or might not able to provide quick customer support.

With this application, the support agent can check the past tickets of the same customer and deliver the support accordingly. Also, the support agent can use asset visibility based on groups, agents, customer name, status, source, priority, replies, type, etc.

Click here- Installation & Configuration Guide