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University Of Baghdad
Open University of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
National AIDS Commission
Customize your helpdesk by giving meaning to a specific organization, company, product, or service by creating and shaping through Branding. View More
It is created with the Symfony PHP framework to be highly customizable for the complex customer support requirements of any trade. View More
Een perfecte uitleg over de fundamentele eigenschappen van de klanten en de afwikkeling van de twijfel van te voren.
Zet uw steun query e-mails in een standaard ticket voor de betere begeleiding.
Set up your support email to automatically convert incoming emails into Opesource UVDesk Helpdesk Tickets for efficient oversight and improved customer support. View More
Rather than writing the same response for every ticket from the same client, save time by creating a standard response that you can use to address any ticket from that customer. View More
No more checking emails frequently. Get every email inquiries generated as a Ticket with UVdesk Open Source Helpdesk and instantly deliver better customer support experience. View More
Get all the queries generated as tickets, hold, manage, and route the inquiries using smart tools to distribute work among teams for an instant and better customer support experience. View More
Easily scale and streamline your customer support with countless agents, teams, and groups. View More
Set-up van uw helpdesk voor automatische handelingen als omschreven gebeurtenissen plaatsvinden.
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Wir haben alle zusammen verwendet, um Uvdesk Open Source einfach einzurichten und auf jedem Hosting zu hosten, das Lamp/Lemp unterstützt.
composer create-project uvdesk/community-skeleton helpdesk-project
php bin/console uvdesk:configure-helpdesk
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