Top 3 Open Source CRM Based on PHP [ FREE ]

Updated 16 February 2022

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The Open source CRM industry is bombarded with SaaS and subscription-based CRM software like Salesforce, Zoho, HubSpot, and many others.

popular crm

CRM is an integral part of any business either B2B, B2C, C2C, or any other type. As soon as your customer number and agents go up so does the subscription fees as well.

So is there any alternative to it? Is there any free open source CRM available? Yes, there are and we will discuss the same in this blog post.

What is the Need for Open Source PHP CRM?

PHP is by far the most popular language in the world, especially for web app development.

Open-Source PHP CRM gives freedom to businesses to customize and change the CRM as per their needs. Which is almost impossible for any SaaS-based CRM solutions.

free open source crm

Along with that FREE PHP CRM does not cost anything. You can use it, change it to customize it as per the need.

Which is a boon for small businesses as well as big enterprises that need heavy customizations.

We will discuss here the top 3 free and open source CRM solutions built on PHP language.


Krayin is the new CRM software in the CRM industry and getting popular very rapidly. Because of its modern technology stack Laravel and Vue.js, also its modular structure.

Krayin CRM

We will discuss the pros and cons of KrayinCRM here:


  • Built on Laravel, the most popular php framework in the world.
  • Reactive Javascript framework Vue.js for a scalable CRM system.
  • Both Laravel and Vue.js are very popular so there is huge community support.
  • Modules structure and dedicated marketplace to build plugins and extensions on top of it.
  • Active development and regular releases.
  • Issues get fixed in a timely manner.
  • Easy documentation.


  • As it is a fairly new CRM so fewer extensions are available.


SuiteCRM is a widely popular open-source CRM software built on PHP language.


We will discuss the pros and cons of SuiteCRM


  • SuiteCRM is a fork of the SugarCRM which was popular.
  • Have huge community support.
  • Extensions marketplace.
  • Regular updates and releases.
  • Good documentation.


  • Not using any framework like Laravel or Symfony.
  • Huge set of issues open at GitHub repository.
  • The user interface is quite old and not matching with the latest material design.


EspoCRM is another CRM platform built on php although it is not that popular as SuiteCRM but give a starting point.


The pros and cons of EspoCRM are:


• Composer based system
• Active development.


  • A huge set of open issues are pending.
  • Fewer contributors and GitHub stars.
  • Very few extensions are available and pricing is expensive.
. . .

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