(English) Open Source Helpdesk Installation on WAMP – UVdesk

Updated 27 June 2023

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  • Polo

    I am on step „Step 8 – Install Now“ since hours, nothing happen, no errors

    Is there a log file somewhre to understand what happen (all previous steps ar OK)


    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hello Polo,
      Glad to see that you are trying to install our Open Source Helpdesk.
      We would like to request you refer this solution to resolve this issue- https://github.com/uvdesk/community-skeleton/issues/290
      If the same issue exists then email us at support@uvdesk.com
      Kind Respects
      UVdesk Team
      • mjNovela
        I’m having error „Unable to locate the path on the server“ in the 4 step of the installation
  • marquez
    I face the same issue as Joel with the webinstaller. I made some mods to debug, since I am not so familiar with symfony. It looks like, that the db connection can not be made, even the db and the user is created correctly in PLESK. Plesk uses mariaDB, but this shouldnt be the problem. I have seen, the driver is set fix to: pdo_mysql , Is there maybe the issue ? I also have followed the suggestions to use simple pw w/o any special chars. But it still throws error from: ConfigureHelpdesk.php and return around line 122 (the catch block)

    For me also still not clear, why it throws the error. Is there a bug in the webinstaller procedure ?

    BTW: to install mailparse is also a bit tricky. almost all tuts just showed to install, and restart apache & php . This did not solved it completley. I also added in php.ini the extension ! All w/o success. After server reboot it was working then, but not before ! Strange things.

    Hope there are not much more hidden bugs. I have some doubts to use it, when the install procedure stucks directly.

    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hello Marquez,
      Hope this solution will help you to get started with UVdesk community helpdesk – https://github.com/uvdesk/community-skeleton/issues/290
      Also, make sure you are not using special characters in the database password such as #,&,$
      If still the same issue exists then email us complete details at support@uvdesk.com
      Thank You!!
  • Donald

    Is there a way to bypass the PHP mailparse extension requirement? I want to host the solution on a shared platform and unable to enable the exertion.

    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hello Donald,
      Nice day to you!!
      Since PHP mailparse extension required for parsing email message in order to create a ticket. To do so, you have to enable this extension with the help of your server provider.
      For further help or any assistance you may reach out to us at support@uvdesk.com
      Thanks & Regards
      UVdesk Team
    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hello Donald,
      Nice day to you!!
      Since PHP mailparse extension required for parsing email messages in order to create a ticket in this community helpdesk project.To do so you have to enable this extension. In case of shared hosting, you may contact your server provider to enable this.
      For further help or assistance, you may reach out to us at support@uvdesk.com
      Thanks & Regards
      UVdesk Team
  • joel
    What is the password and database name,i get to that stage and am stuck.
    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hello Joel,
      The database and password name should be your MySQL credential.
      I would like to request you to share the screenshot at support@uvdesk.com where you’re stuck so that we can provide you the solution accordingly.
      Kind Respects
      UVdesk Team
  • Le
    Hi, Does this come with Binaka app?


    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hi Le,
      Thank you for showing your interest in our new open source helpdesk project.
      As of now, Binaka app doesn’t include in UVdesk Opensource solution.
      Hopefully, we will implement it in our next update, till then stay tuned with us.
      Thanks for reaching us and have a great day ahead!
      • Dmitry
        Your open source project is great. I’m looking forward to your adding Binaka to the project – I really miss it. When can we expect it to appear in the open source helpdesk project?
        • akshaykrsingh.bd358 (Moderator)
          Thank you for contacting us. We have created a ticket on your behalf and our team will assist you shortly.
    • Le
      Hi Le,

      Thank you for showing your interest in our new open source helpdesk project.
      As of now, Binaka app doesn’t include in UVdesk Opensource solution.
      Hopefully, we will implement it in our next update, till then stay tuned with us.
      Thanks for reaching us and have a great day ahead!

      • Komal Sharma
        Hello Le,

        Thank you for connecting with us and in further, if you have any query or concern then please mail us at support@webkul.com

        Thanks and Regards,
        Uvdesk Team