How to set up SMTP and IMAP settings in Opensource helpdesk – UVdesk?

Updated 22 June 2023

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  • Ovidiu

    I’m trying to setup a test environment and I cannot get new emails to trigger a ticket and sent notifications to customer and agents when I run manuall uvdesk: refresh-mailbox. For tickets created manually with New Ticket the replies are going fine.
    I’ve setup all swiftmailer.yaml, uvdesk.yaml, uvdesk-mailbox.yaml correctly, I think and cron job to fetch every 30 minutes.

    php /home/ovidiu/public_html/mmesupport/bin/console uvdesk:refresh-mailbox support@test.domain

    1. Processing uvdesk mailbox configuration.

    2. Opening imap stream…

    3. IMAP stream opened.

    4. Fetching Email collection since 30 September 2020.

    5. Total fetched email -> 8

    6. Starting to convert Emails into Tickets ->

    Converting email 1 out of 8.

    Converting email 2 out of 8.

    Converting email 3 out of 8.

    Converting email 4 out of 8.

    Converting email 5 out of 8.

    Converting email 6 out of 8.

    Converting email 7 out of 8.

    Converting email 8 out of 8.

    Mailbox refreshed successfully !!!

    Snippets from files:
    id: support@test.domain
    name: Support
    mailer_id: mailer_4923

    default_mailer: mailer_4923
    transport: smtp
    username: support@domain
    password: password
    host: hostntame.domain
    port: 587
    encryption: tls
    auth_mode: login
    sender_address: support@domain
    delivery_addresses: [“]
    disable_delivery: false
    spool: { type: ‚memory‘ }
    allow_self_signed: true
    verify_peer: false
    verify_peer_name: false

    emails: ~
    # Often Reply emails like from gmail contains extra and redundant previous mail data.
    # This data can be removed by adding delimiter i.e. specific line before each reply.
    # delimiter: “
    # enable_delimiter: true

    # Configure your mailboxes here
    name: Support
    enabled: true

    # [SMTP] Outgoing mail server
    # Swiftmailer smtp mailer to use for sending emails through on behalf of this mailbox
    mailer_id: mailer_4923

    # [IMAP] Incoming mail server
    # IMAP configurations to use for fetching emails from mailbox
    host: ‚{hostname:993/imap/ssl}INBOX‘
    username: support@domain
    password: password

    I don’t know what I’m missing and how I should debug this issue. Can you help ?

    Thank you!

    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hello Ovidiu,
      Glad to see you here!
      I hope this forum post will help you to debug the issue – https://forums.uvdesk.com/topic/1870/how-to-debug-the-error/1
      Kind Respects
      UVdesk Team
  • Marice
    Hi I got this error

    1. Processing uvdesk mailbox configuration.

    Mailbox for email maricejuguilon@gmail.com not found.

    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hello Marice,
      Nice day to you!!
      Most probably this email is not configured with UVdesk Mailbox. To get verified refer this comprehensive user guide to set up UVdesk with Gmail – https://www.uvdesk.com/en/blog/setup-mailbox-uvdesk-open-source-helpdesk/
      Thanks & Regards
      UVdesk Team
      • Marice
        Thank you, it actually help, but I have another issue in saving the form I got this error
        Warning: mkdir(): Permission denied
        • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
          Hello Marice
          Kindly provide the read & write permission for config folder – chmod 777 -R path of config folder of UVdesk project
          Thanks & Regards
          UVdesk Team
  • SudoBash
    This shouldn’t be set for using Gmail…

    It is extremely unprofessional to use gmail for SMTP/IMAP delivery and besides that, most companies have their own SMTP/IMAP servers or providers…

    Also, this information doesn’t work and if you copy and paste your YAML configs, it errors that it is in an incorrect format!

    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hello SudoBash,
      Nice day to you!!
      Kindly download the latest version of community helpdesk from here -https://github.com/uvdesk/community-skeleton/
      You can configured email settings by using the GUI. In the latest update there is no need to set up a backend configuration for the mailbox.
      The only thing which you need to update i.e Site_Url in Uvdesk.Yaml instead of default URL.
      Thank You!!
      • SudoBash
        I got that working and enabled SMTP through my provider.
        I can send a test email with:
        ./console swiftmailer:email:send –from user@domain.com –to user@domain.com –subject Test –body Test –mailer mailer_#

        I receive the Test email in my inbox almost immediately, but when I create a user agent or click forgot password, I get NO email…

        • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
          Hello SudoBash,
          Sounds great!!
          To enable user forget email notification you need to set up email settings first by navigating through Settings-> Email Settings
          Kindly make a try and update us if still exists by emailing us at support@uvdesk.com
          Thank You!!
  • Rob Pearce

    Attempted to call function „imap_open“ from namespace „Webkul\UVDesk\MailboxBundle\Console“.

    We found a solution:

     I cant explain how this fixes the problem but it did seem to.

    despite PHP reporting that imap extension is installed and me confirming it works by running a test script in the browser it wasnt working on the command line. So,basically reinstalled imap and dependancy php-curl (See below the steps for Linux but i would imagine the same principle should work for Windows. The odd thing is those extensions were installed – so maybe it was an update that was required. my guess is the browser may be running php 7.3 (IMAP works for the browser) but the command line is using php 7.4 which didnt have imap and curl extensions installed. I ended up with two versions of php quite by accident – i dont know how 7.4 got on my server

    sudo apt install php-imap
    463 sudo phpenmod imap
    464 sudo apt update
    465 sudo apt
    467 sudo apt upgrade -y
    468 sudo reboot
    469 sudo apt update
    470 sudo apt upgrade
    471 sudo apt autoremove
    472 sudo reboot
    477 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
    478 sudo apt-get update
    479 sudo apt-get install php-curl

    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hello Rob Pearce,
      Glad to know that your issue has been resolved.
      Keep stay & deliver better customer support with UVdesk open source Helpdesk.
      Thanks & Regards
      UVdesk Team
  • Rob Pearce
    Attempted to call function „imap_open“ from namespace „Webkul\UVDesk\MailboxBundle\Console“.

    We found a solution:

     I cant explain how this fixes the problem but it did seem to.

    despite PHP reporting that imap extension is installed and me confirming it works by running a test script in the browser it wasnt working on the command line. So,basically reinstalled imap and dependancy php-curl

    sudo apt install php-imap
    463 sudo phpenmod imap
    464 sudo apt update
    465 sudo apt
    467 sudo apt upgrade -y
    468 sudo reboot
    469 sudo apt update
    470 sudo apt upgrade
    471 sudo apt autoremove
    472 sudo reboot
    477 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
    478 sudo apt-get update
    479 sudo apt-get install php-curl

    • Rob Pearce
      my guess is the browser may be running php 7.3 (IMAP works for the browser) but the command line is using php 7.4 which didnt have imap and curl extensions installed. I ended up with two versions of php quite by accident – i dont know how 7.4 got on my server
      • Komal Sharma (Moderator)
        Hello Rob Pearce,

        You have to checked once your php.info() file. You can refer the below link:

        Thanks and Regards
        Uvdesk Team

  • cyril
    Not working above the configuration
    • Komal Sharma (Moderator)
      Hello cyril,

      Can you please share your configurations of the swiftmailer, mailbox, and email settings screenshots and also share a screenshots of which error you are facing while sending emails (create ticket, reply in the tickets) on the our official uvdesk forums:


      Kind Respects,
      Uvdesk Team