العميل الرائد
فريق دائمًا جاهز لمساعدتك
إنه يساعدنا على فعل الشيء الأكثر أهمية أثناء الجري
السيد جاموس تان
الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Dasnietgek
الميزات التي يتم وضعها لتلبية متطلباتك
لقد كان UVdesk مفيدًا جدًا ومفيدًا في t
السيد موجيبولا فوي
مؤسس Jibosky
تطبيق Catalyst لنظام الدعم الخاص بك
Open Source Customer
LLM based instant open source AI chatbot assistance, ticket automation, and smooth interactions for better efficiency.
We specialize in developing intelligent AI chatbots, seamlessly automating tasks, providing 24/7 support, and delivering domain-specific expertise for businesses.
Quick Response Time
Ensures quick response times by instantly addressing customer queries and automating ticket creation and management for prompt support.
Low ticket volumes
Automate responses, provide instant solutions, guide users effectively
Quick deployment
User-friendly setup and clear documentation for rapid setup & deployment
AI chatbots scale support for business growth without added workforce
Cost Effective
Automates tasks, lessens workload, ensures 24/7 support efficiency
High Customer Satisfaction
Enhance customer satisfaction by providing instant, accurate responses and efficient query resolution
FAQs answered instantly with Binaka
Quickly provide answers to FAQs, reducing the need for users to manually search, thus increasing the knowledgbase efficiency.
Content creation for knowledgebase
Assist in generating content for knowledgebase articles by extracting information from existing sources, FAQs etc.
Automated Ticket Creation
Help users generate support tickets by collecting issue details, categorizing problems, and initiating ticket creation in UVdesk
Customer Follow Up
Efficiently managing interactions improves response times and enhances customer satisfaction
Unlock seamless support with our AI chatbot integrated across multiple platform
Swiftly address customer emails, ensuring prompt responses to common queries for an efficient and satisfying experience.
Interact with the chatbot on our website for instant assistance, enhancing user support before submitting tickets or queries.
Social Media
Enables the chatbot to handle initial queries on social media, ensuring rapid responses and proactive engagement.
Mobile App
Enable support via integrated chatbot in mobile app, tailored through mobile app development.
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