(English) Open Source Helpdesk Installation on CentOS – UVdesk

Updated 24 May 2023

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  • Ravi
    Facing Error while installing UVdesk.

    Something went wrong ! Please try again

  • David Inga

    I am getting the following error after following the steps in this guide.
    The stream or file «/var/www/html/helpdesk-project/var/log/dev.log» could not be opened in append mode: failed to open stream: Permission denied

    I have changed the user and group to apache:apache, ran chmod 777 -R in the helpdesk-project folder, the files are stored in path /var/www/html/helpdesk-project

    OS: Centos Stream 8
    PHP: PHP 7.4.23
    DB: mysqld Ver 10.5.12-MariaDB for Linux on x86_64 (MariaDB Server)

    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hello there,
      We would recommend you kindly enable read/write permission for the Var folder in the project.
  • erika
    No funcionan los comandos en Centos 7
    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Hello Erika,
      Hope you doing great!!
      Will you please let us know where you are getting the issue or any error. A little more information about your issue can help us to get resolve your issue.
      Furthermore, you can drop an email to us with a screenshot at support@uvdesk.com
      Thanks & Regards
      UVdesk Team