(English) How To Find Broken Links Using Selenium WebDriver

Updated 23 June 2023

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  • Akshay
    I write same code but i havent get 500 error using this scrpit. but when i test my application manually then one page showing 500 error please help
  • Mahendra
    i am getting error while executing above code
    Exception in thread “main” java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 4, Size: 4
    at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(Unknown Source)
    at java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source)
    at gmail.linksbroken.main(linksbroken.java:27)
    • akshaykrsingh.bd358 (Moderator)
      Hi Mahendra,
      hope you are well

      This blog is a technical blog. So if you face any issues or have concerns related to this blog then please share with us at support@webkul.com so that our concern team can assist you properly.

      Thanks & Regards
      Webkul Tem

  • Aditya Bhatt
    Shivani I must say your code is the simplest and well defined. I loved it and works flawlessly. Keep up the good work.
    • Himani Gupta (Moderator)
      Thanks Aditya,
      For your appreciation.